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Electrolysis has been used for many years to permanently remove unwanted hair.

The treatment comprises of a very fine disposable sterile needle that is delivers an electrical current into the hair follicle. This terminates and destroys the surrounding follicle tissue and it’s root. The aim of this treatment is to eventually prevent the hair from regrowing.

Electrolysis has been used for many years and to this day is still as popular as it is essentially one of the only techniques that can state that it is “permanent hair removal”. All other systems that are available on the market cannot make such claims as they are fundamentally only permanent hair reduction.

Electrolysis can destroy any excess hair that has grown from the normal hormone cycle to an abnormal growth cycle.

How does it work?

There are 3 different modalities of electrolysis. Shortwave diathermy, galvanic and the blend method. Which one of these to be used will all depend on your skin and hair type. All of this will be discussed with you at your consultation.

During the treatment, a fine needle will be used to pass the heat of the current into the follicle. As this needle is so fine and sized correctly to the specific hair that is being treated, only the smallest amount of discomfort will be experienced and for most people there is very little discomfort, if any at all.

What about side effects?

For a few days after the treatment, the area treated can be sensitive, redness may be apparent and possible localised swelling can occur. Small crusts will often appear for a few days whilst the area treated heals.

There will be aftercare to follow post treatment to ensure you get the best possible outcome.


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